Order a Lei Po’o (lei for the head)
Aloha Lei Lovers, after I receive the following form,
we will further customize the order and then confirm pricing and pick up.
To ensure the custom colors & flowers you want, please order at least two weeks in advance.
SIMPLE LEI PO’O 1-3 Flowers with green foliage $90-$110
DESIGNERS CHOICE LEI PO’O 3+ Special Flowers with foliage $125-175
CUSTOM LEI PO’O Using extra special flowers requested $175-$250 and up
BESPOKE LEI PO’O One of a Kind, photoshoot & media $350-$700 and up
KEIKI LEI PO’O 10and under $75-85
Young and Old, Boy or girl, for all seasons and for any occasion, everyone loves a lei or two or more!!